Saturday, May 22, 2010

Living Alone

When you live alone things change. Once your roommates move out you are separated from both your best friends and that one roommate who is really into Freshman girls and you can't stand listening to for extended periods of time. You think to yourself this can't be all that bad because at last he's gone, but at the same time there's a small part of you that wishes you had gone home for the summer. So here are the pros and cons of my current alone situation:

Pro: I have a TV now
Con: I don't have cable on my TV or an Xbox
Pro: I don't have to close the bathroom door when using the bathroom
Pro: I can walk around in any stage of being dressed or undressed
Pro: I've gotten to know some people better
Con: I've gotten to know some people better
Pro: I play more soccer
Pro I have a bicycle now
Con: I don't have a car
Con: It was a lot harder to find a job than I thought
Pro: I don't have school on Fridays
Con: I'm in class more hours this semester than last semester
Pro: I made a blog
Con: I have to think about things to blog about
Pro: I shaved three seconds off my minesweeper best time
Pro: Friends