Sunday, December 26, 2010

Christmas Break and Christmas Miracle

Last year everyone was home for Christmas. This year we're missing my brother who is in Thailand. Now I kind of know what everyone must have felt like when I was gone. Next year I'll most likely be the only son home and I'm not sure how I feel about it. It will be nice to get the bottom bunk, but it'll be super quiet and estrogen dominated, definitely weird.

Last year for Christmas my brother came home from college and listened to one song the whole time he was home over and over, Hey Soul Sister by Train. This year in order to keep him in our hearts and minds I decided to one up him and get multiple songs stuck in my families heads. So far so good. They all have at least two songs stuck in there heads and I still have over a week before I go back to school.

On Christmas Eve I got an envelope from the BYU Visual Arts Department. It had two letters inside of it. The one saying that I was not accepted into the Graphic Design program and the other saying I was not accepted into the Illustration program. After getting the letters I was kind of bummed even though I kind of was expecting it. I texted my friends and told them the news and that was that. At about ten that night we were getting ready to Skype with my brother and I checked my e-mail and saw that I had received an e-mail from Richard Hull, the Illustration Department head at BYU. In his e-mail he told me that the Illustration program had accepted twenty students into their program and I was number twenty one (that would have been a pretty sucky e-mail had he ended it there) and then he went on to inform me that someone else who had been accepted into the program decided to go another direction making me number twenty. So I got into the Illustration program and will start classes this January. Probably the best Christmas present I received this year.

I'm very optimistic as far as life this coming semester goes.

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

Monday, December 13, 2010


Statistical Analysis.

But who knows... there are factors missing from Mr. Miller's studies... like luck and coincidence... and that's what I'm banking on.

Mustache: Attempt Two

Attempt two started around when the MLB playoffs started, so the beginning of October, and ended the day after my intramural soccer team lost, so Friday, December 3rd in the afternoon before I went to work. So, about two full months of growth. There were a bunch of reasons I did it, well the list of reasons I did it grew as I did it, but here are just a few and I'm not going to number them because no one was more important than any other or at least I don't want you to know that any one reason was more important than any other. Reasons: because I can, to show girlfriend that she had no control over me(relationship ended shortly after by me), so that I would never have to grow one again, all great men have or have had or can grow mustaches(general I know, but true), as a social experiment(more to come on this), I assumed it had some associated magical powers that I wanted to find out about, less to shave, it made me look older and classier according to two people and for fun.

Why was growing a mustache a social experiment? I think by growing a mustache I was able to separate superficiality and realness in others. Superficial girls are disgusted by mustaches and they're mean about it. By having a mustache I think I separated the people who liked me for me from the people who liked me for the way I looked when I didn't have a mustache. My Mom told me there are girls who just don't like mustaches and she's probably right, but girls with hearts will tell you that after you shave it off or really nicely when you have it. OK, so growing a mustache isn't exactly a social experiment like a girl shaving her head, but don't tell that to the three people that I've convinced to grow mustaches by using that as a reason. Despite what my Mom said I still think it was a social experiment and plus my Mom just wants grandchildren so she would say that.

So my mustache isn't the thickest and it wasn't very dark until I dyed it with some Just for Men beard and mustache dye that I found in my grandparent's basement that probably belonged to my uncle and that I should have used twice, but I was satisfied and I had also ran out of excuses to keep growing it despite not really needing excuses. I just kept telling people I was going to shave it when this or that happened and eventually it caught up to me. I learned a lot about myself and my mustache growing ability, so all in all, it was a good experience.

I'm going to tentatively say that there will never be a Mustache: Attempt Three...